You might be wondering if my career as a blogger has ended. And to be honest, I may be wondering the same thing myself. But for now, I'll try to persevere, although I think that only one person checks this blog on a regular basis, and I see that person all the time so I think they're already aware of the facts below....
So here's the scoop:
- I am trying to fight the good fight and stay on a college student budget, seeing as how I am now a nearly-30 college kid. In an effort to do that, I tried to cut Brady's hair myself. BAD idea.
- School is going well. I just went to Memphis for a week to take midterm exams, and those were successful.
- I got into a fender bender with some kindly senior citizens on my ride home from one of my exams. Ooops. I bet my new insurance agent is soooo happy they picked up my policy a few weeks ago.
- I am working for a retail clothing store and hoping something else comes along, because let's face it. I am not in love with retail, or the fact that Black Friday is fast approaching and I do NOT want to spend the better part of my holiday season folding clothes and catering to customers that have grandiose visions of their own importance.
And that's all for now. What's going on in your lives?
My Blog List
Friday, October 15, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Chemistry might not be so bad!
I am not sure if it's because I had a severe bout of insomnia last night, or if I am losing touch with reality, but I actually enjoyed my chemistry "experiment" today. Now, you might be thinking "that's great that Kelley likes chemistry since she wants to be a nurse." But the fact is, no one likes chemistry. Except for my friend Joe that has a PhD in chemistry and Mandarin Chinese (but I think we can all agree he's a statistical anomaly).
Here's why I am surprised that I like my experiment. It consisted of watching ice melt in a glass of water for 1 hour.
So do you think I'm delusional now?
I do.
Here's why I am surprised that I like my experiment. It consisted of watching ice melt in a glass of water for 1 hour.
So do you think I'm delusional now?
I do.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Storytime in the tub (as seen by Luke Empson)
Once upon a time, there was a little prince.
He loved to spend time in the tub. One day, Luke's mother had his aunties over for a dinner date. Luke was concerned that he wouldn't get to play in the tub since company came over.
But when dinner was over, Luke's aunties helped feed him cereal (or some watery substance that Luke's mother claims is "rice cereal"). It got allll over his face and into his little neck roles!
Then, Luke's mama declared that it was time to get in the tub. Luke splished and splashed until his little toes wrinkled!
Once the bath was done, Luke's mama wrapped him in a nice warm towel, and his aunties dried his little piggies, even between his toes! "That tickles Aunties!" he squealed.
And once that was done, it was time for bed. Luke kissed his aunties goodnight, and drifted off to sleep.
The End!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Project Pesto (aka: Project Procrastination)
For the past few weeks, I have been saying I was going to go out and chop out some of the basil I'd so carefully reared from seeds and make some basil pesto. Today is the day for several reasons.
1) My basil plants look like they're about to topple over because they're so full of leaves.
2) I have a ton of homework to do and I'm just not feeling the "sit-down-and-read" vibe after yesterday's 7-hour battle with Chemistry.
So, I wandered out to the backyard after walking Brady and started the pest0-process.
Since Scott and Steven already have most of the necessary kitchen equipment, I never unpacked my six large "kitchen" boxes, and I've been squeaking by using the items in the house for cooking. Today, I regretted that my cute little food processor was lost somewhere in the sea of boxes, because chopping basil with a blender is NOT an easy task.
But eventually, after scraping and chopping and scraping some more, I was able to get the ingredients mixed together into what I feel is a pretty great first pass at homemade pesto. Check it out!
1) My basil plants look like they're about to topple over because they're so full of leaves.
2) I have a ton of homework to do and I'm just not feeling the "sit-down-and-read" vibe after yesterday's 7-hour battle with Chemistry.
So, I wandered out to the backyard after walking Brady and started the pest0-process.
Since Scott and Steven already have most of the necessary kitchen equipment, I never unpacked my six large "kitchen" boxes, and I've been squeaking by using the items in the house for cooking. Today, I regretted that my cute little food processor was lost somewhere in the sea of boxes, because chopping basil with a blender is NOT an easy task.
But eventually, after scraping and chopping and scraping some more, I was able to get the ingredients mixed together into what I feel is a pretty great first pass at homemade pesto. Check it out!
Now the real trick will be cooking with it. I think we'll have pasta with chicken and pesto for dinner tomorrow night. Cross your fingers that I don't poison the household!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
It must be 78 degrees in Heaven. I wonder what that converts to in Kelvins?
Today started out as a little slice of Heaven. I went to the Baton Rouge Farmers' Market with my sisters, and it was a whopping 78 degrees when we started out. Until this morning, I had compeltely forgotten what it felt like to step outside and NOT feel like you needed to shower immediately from the sticky, humid, heavy air. We had a great time checking out the wares at the farmers' market, and then capped off our adventure with some iced coffees.
When I got home, it had reached 85 degrees, but after the latest summer temps, I'm going to say that 85 still feels pretty balmy. Scott went outside to tackle the backyard mowing, and I sat down to read my first chapter of the new semester. I picked Chemistry to start. Why not jump right on the one you dread the most, right?
Well, after two hours of reading (and 2 small, teeny, insignificant cat naps), I remember why I hated chemistry in high school..... but at least I got to check a few things off my to-do list. Check out the progress!
When I got home, it had reached 85 degrees, but after the latest summer temps, I'm going to say that 85 still feels pretty balmy. Scott went outside to tackle the backyard mowing, and I sat down to read my first chapter of the new semester. I picked Chemistry to start. Why not jump right on the one you dread the most, right?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Holy Cow!
I've started my fall classes, and at this point my only thoughts are "What the heck was I thinking taking 4 classes this semester?" I've listed out all the things I have to do for the classes, and each prof thinks students should spend between 10-15 hours per week on their class. All I can say is EEK! This will be the last blog post until December 15, which is one day after finals. :-(
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I've been attacked by a Tuscapotomus!
Although I moved to Louisiana 25 days ago, I feel like I've hardly spent a single day here since the move. One week back to Memphis for work and a final, and then a weekend trip to Tuscaloosa to cheer for the Bent Rim Bicycle Club as they rode in the Hot 100 bike ride.
The trip to Memphis was quite memorable, because Counterpart had its first "employee only" Counterparty at the Hollywood Cafe in Tunica, MS. I swear, I could feel the ghost of Elvis. Or maybe that was Raiford? (For those non-Memphians, if you're ever in Memphis and find yourself looking for something to do around 1am, Paula & Raiford's Disco is the PLACE to be!)
The trip to Tuscaloosa was also great for several reasons. 1) I got to meet several of Scott's friends that I'd heard so much about. They're a lot of fun and pretty hilarious. 2) Tuscaloosa is really pretty. It reminded me a lot of Athens, OH, my alma mater. 3) I got to be perhaps the first person this decade to order a salad at City Cafe. Apparently "meat and three" is the way to go there. Someone should have told me before I ordered... Scott.
So there you have it. Now it's time to settle down to real life. Classes start in less than a week, and I need to find a job. That's all for now. Maybe you'll get another update in the month of August. Maybe not. We'll just have to see!
The trip to Memphis was quite memorable, because Counterpart had its first "employee only" Counterparty at the Hollywood Cafe in Tunica, MS. I swear, I could feel the ghost of Elvis. Or maybe that was Raiford? (For those non-Memphians, if you're ever in Memphis and find yourself looking for something to do around 1am, Paula & Raiford's Disco is the PLACE to be!)
The trip to Tuscaloosa was also great for several reasons. 1) I got to meet several of Scott's friends that I'd heard so much about. They're a lot of fun and pretty hilarious. 2) Tuscaloosa is really pretty. It reminded me a lot of Athens, OH, my alma mater. 3) I got to be perhaps the first person this decade to order a salad at City Cafe. Apparently "meat and three" is the way to go there. Someone should have told me before I ordered... Scott.
So there you have it. Now it's time to settle down to real life. Classes start in less than a week, and I need to find a job. That's all for now. Maybe you'll get another update in the month of August. Maybe not. We'll just have to see!
Friday, August 6, 2010
KC Jones and the Moving Box Massacre
After a week of madness, it's finally done. The Moving Boxes have been defeated and things have found a proper place at the new house. Thanks to a suggestion from Tamara and Bethany, Space Bags were used to shrink down my massive clothing collection from the size of a wooly mammoth to the size of an average donkey (which luckily fits into the generous closet space that Scott cleared out for me).
So, now, here I sit. Lasagna's in the oven, the iTunes are on, and I'm about to start studying for my second-to-last exam of the semester. What a great day!
So, now, here I sit. Lasagna's in the oven, the iTunes are on, and I'm about to start studying for my second-to-last exam of the semester. What a great day!
Monday, August 2, 2010
My life as a hoarder
I think I belong on Hoarders, that crazy TV show where they meet people that live surrounded by boxes and bags and piles of this-and-that-odds-and-ends. Because today, that's what I feel like.
The move to Baton Rouge was pretty smooth, except for a little delay in getting our U-Haul. We made the best of the delay by having lunch with Lisa, Charlie, Connor and Aidan (who can resist the sausage and cheese plate at the Commissary?). Uncle Rich and Ryan were great sports and helped to load the truck, so that was knocked out in about 2 hours. We capped off Saturday night with a visit to the Harrison household to see Ash, Joe, Ty, Ryan, Aunt Deknees and Uncle Rich. Ty got to show off his new walking skills, so the way I'm looking at it, U-Haul just gave us some extra time so we could visit with some wonderful people!
Friends and family were there to greet Scott and I as we rolled into his driveway Sunday afternoon, and they had the truck unloaded lickety-split (even in spite of the surprise thunderstorm). I chose to try and stay out of the way (at least for a little while) holding Luke. Infants area great way to keep yourself occupied when other people are unloading your moving truck.... (just kidding!) Then we ventured out to dinner with Scott's family to celebrate Steve's birthday. It was a great way to kick off my LA residence.
And then we got home. It was so great to get everything off the truck that I didn't really realize just how much STUFF I had, and how hard it'll be to figure out what to do with said "stuff" now that I am here for the long haul instead of living out of a suitcase.
Now, if you know me, you know nothing drives me more INSANE than a messy house/living space. And one crowded with boxes in disarray definitely qualifies as such. But what REALLY floors me is this: Scott and Steven have an amazing attitude about it. I know my influx of junk is completely inconveniencing them both, and yet neither one has even batted an eye as they step over one of about 100 boxes to get to wherever they're headed. And they're totally cheerful when rearranging furniture and moving things around. Which makes me thankful that I've moved in with two understanding and patient guys.
So moving adventure, day 2, is going quite well. I'll post the "after" pictures once things settle down and I can see the floor through all the boxes.
The move to Baton Rouge was pretty smooth, except for a little delay in getting our U-Haul. We made the best of the delay by having lunch with Lisa, Charlie, Connor and Aidan (who can resist the sausage and cheese plate at the Commissary?). Uncle Rich and Ryan were great sports and helped to load the truck, so that was knocked out in about 2 hours. We capped off Saturday night with a visit to the Harrison household to see Ash, Joe, Ty, Ryan, Aunt Deknees and Uncle Rich. Ty got to show off his new walking skills, so the way I'm looking at it, U-Haul just gave us some extra time so we could visit with some wonderful people!
Friends and family were there to greet Scott and I as we rolled into his driveway Sunday afternoon, and they had the truck unloaded lickety-split (even in spite of the surprise thunderstorm). I chose to try and stay out of the way (at least for a little while) holding Luke. Infants area great way to keep yourself occupied when other people are unloading your moving truck.... (just kidding!) Then we ventured out to dinner with Scott's family to celebrate Steve's birthday. It was a great way to kick off my LA residence.
And then we got home. It was so great to get everything off the truck that I didn't really realize just how much STUFF I had, and how hard it'll be to figure out what to do with said "stuff" now that I am here for the long haul instead of living out of a suitcase.
Now, if you know me, you know nothing drives me more INSANE than a messy house/living space. And one crowded with boxes in disarray definitely qualifies as such. But what REALLY floors me is this: Scott and Steven have an amazing attitude about it. I know my influx of junk is completely inconveniencing them both, and yet neither one has even batted an eye as they step over one of about 100 boxes to get to wherever they're headed. And they're totally cheerful when rearranging furniture and moving things around. Which makes me thankful that I've moved in with two understanding and patient guys.
So moving adventure, day 2, is going quite well. I'll post the "after" pictures once things settle down and I can see the floor through all the boxes.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Why mess with a good thing?
Many people believe that you can continually improve on things and ALWAYS make them better, more efficient, more effective, etc. And I'm in agreement that most of the time that's true. However, there are certain things that should NEVER have been "improved upon," and since I have nothing else to say, I'm going to give you my short list of things that were fine, just the way they were. (Totally random, I know...)
1) Plain M&M's. They have a delicious candy coating, and a rich, chocolatey middle. Why would you want to change that simple beauty by adding nuts/pretzels/peanut butter?
2) The opening animated graphic at the movies, where it looked like you were riding a roller coaster of film. That was so fun, flying up and down, passing popcorn constellations, etc. It was almost the best part of any movie! Maybe it was just an Ohio thing, but if anyone else has seen it, you know what I mean.
3) Mattresses. OK, on this one, I'm torn. I love my pillow top mattress. But I have to believe I'd be SO much more productive if I still had my old, hard, doesn't-give-you-any-reason-to-stay-in-bed-on-a-Monday-morning mattress.
I'm running out of steam here. Feel free to add to this list by posting a comment with YOUR list of things that were good enough just as they were.
That's all I have for right now, but if you've got things to add to the list, feel free to comment.
1) Plain M&M's. They have a delicious candy coating, and a rich, chocolatey middle. Why would you want to change that simple beauty by adding nuts/pretzels/peanut butter?
2) The opening animated graphic at the movies, where it looked like you were riding a roller coaster of film. That was so fun, flying up and down, passing popcorn constellations, etc. It was almost the best part of any movie! Maybe it was just an Ohio thing, but if anyone else has seen it, you know what I mean.
3) Mattresses. OK, on this one, I'm torn. I love my pillow top mattress. But I have to believe I'd be SO much more productive if I still had my old, hard, doesn't-give-you-any-reason-to-stay-in-bed-on-a-Monday-morning mattress.
I'm running out of steam here. Feel free to add to this list by posting a comment with YOUR list of things that were good enough just as they were.
That's all I have for right now, but if you've got things to add to the list, feel free to comment.
Monday, July 19, 2010
I'm getting so sentimental these days
With 11 days left before the big move, most of my boxes are packed. But I think I should have waited before packing the Kleenex... I seem to be coming down with a case of weepies. So here's a tribute to just SOME of the people that have made life in Memphis great.
Katie came over yesterday to help me pack the kitchen. We spent hours just chatting away, and before I knew it my entire kitchen was stuffed into six large boxes. This makes me reflect on the fact that Katie and I have one of the easiest friendships I've ever known. Being able to just chit chat with her made the unbearable task of kitchen-packing fly by in a flash. While it makes me sad to know she won't be "just down the street" anymore, I know that we're going to continue on the way we always have. When we pick up the phone to chat, I have a feeling time will still fly. And I may not be able to remember what we talked about, but I know it'll be fun.
For those of you that don't know the Verks, they're my second family. They've been an amazing support system for my six years in Memphis, and even before that. Aunt Deknees is my mom's identical twin, so I guess that kinda makes her like a mom to me, since they're genetically a clone of one another. Uncle Rich always keeps me out of trouble, and my cousins, Ashley and Ryan, are practically siblings to me. (And the amount of mischief we managed to get into as kids never ceases to amaze me now that I'm older. Wes, if you ever read this, sorry for hitting you in the head with a line-drive Easter egg. I guess that wasn't very nice.)
I digress.
Anyway, the point is that I've loved being part of the Verk's extended family. Tonight, my aunt got tickets for a suite at Autozone Park to see the Redbirds. Although I have no idea what happened on the field, I know that a lot of fun took place inside the suite.
Here are the highlights:
1) Tyler was serenaded for his first birthday, and he got to try ice cream for the first time. He seemed sleepy prior to the ice cream, but now I understand what's truly meant when people say "sugar rush" because he was bouncing off the walls immediately after ice cream consumption. What a joy to see him laugh and play, and to watch everyone be "kids" again just playing with Ty!
2) Rocky the Redbird flashed me. That's right. He pulled up his jersey and flashed me. I've met Rocky several times in the years I've lived in Memphis. Never, ever, did I dream he'd flash me. But he did. What a way to cap off my time in Memphis!
For all the times the Verks took care of me, I wish there was some gift I could give that would let them know how much I've appreciated their love and kindness. I suppose for now, I'll just say "thanks for being my family away from home."
Katie came over yesterday to help me pack the kitchen. We spent hours just chatting away, and before I knew it my entire kitchen was stuffed into six large boxes. This makes me reflect on the fact that Katie and I have one of the easiest friendships I've ever known. Being able to just chit chat with her made the unbearable task of kitchen-packing fly by in a flash. While it makes me sad to know she won't be "just down the street" anymore, I know that we're going to continue on the way we always have. When we pick up the phone to chat, I have a feeling time will still fly. And I may not be able to remember what we talked about, but I know it'll be fun.
For those of you that don't know the Verks, they're my second family. They've been an amazing support system for my six years in Memphis, and even before that. Aunt Deknees is my mom's identical twin, so I guess that kinda makes her like a mom to me, since they're genetically a clone of one another. Uncle Rich always keeps me out of trouble, and my cousins, Ashley and Ryan, are practically siblings to me. (And the amount of mischief we managed to get into as kids never ceases to amaze me now that I'm older. Wes, if you ever read this, sorry for hitting you in the head with a line-drive Easter egg. I guess that wasn't very nice.)
I digress.
Anyway, the point is that I've loved being part of the Verk's extended family. Tonight, my aunt got tickets for a suite at Autozone Park to see the Redbirds. Although I have no idea what happened on the field, I know that a lot of fun took place inside the suite.
Here are the highlights:
1) Tyler was serenaded for his first birthday, and he got to try ice cream for the first time. He seemed sleepy prior to the ice cream, but now I understand what's truly meant when people say "sugar rush" because he was bouncing off the walls immediately after ice cream consumption. What a joy to see him laugh and play, and to watch everyone be "kids" again just playing with Ty!
2) Rocky the Redbird flashed me. That's right. He pulled up his jersey and flashed me. I've met Rocky several times in the years I've lived in Memphis. Never, ever, did I dream he'd flash me. But he did. What a way to cap off my time in Memphis!
For all the times the Verks took care of me, I wish there was some gift I could give that would let them know how much I've appreciated their love and kindness. I suppose for now, I'll just say "thanks for being my family away from home."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Déjà vu anyone?
At some point in our lives, we've all wished we could go back to another time and relive the "good old days." I used to say if I had to pick, I'd go back and re-do my time in Athens at Ohio University. Those, for me, were the good old days. No bills, no worries, good friends, and something fun always around the corner. Plus we had some pretty great Halloween parties.
Well, I'm grown up now. I've got six years of marketing experience under my belt, and an MBA. And it is beginning to look like I'm going to get my wish of going back to my undergrad days. Why, you ask? Because it appears that I'll be retaking elementary courses like Freshman English in order to earn a bachelor's of science in nursing.
I want to believe that this is the right decision. And I know it's going to be hard. But I just didn't think it was going to be this hard. I feel like I'm fighting for every step of the admissions process, and each time I get a step ahead, something comes through and pushes me three steps back. Or, in this case, 10 years back in the educational scale.
I believe that people make decisions, and whether they're "right" or "wrong," we learn to live with them and make the most of those decisions. I've made my decision to leave my job and move to follow my heart. And I still believe I'm doing it for the right reasons. I'm just beginning to worry that I'm not going to get what I'm looking for in terms of an education, and I don't know where that leaves me.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
An education in vacation
Well, it's that time of year again. What time is that, you ask? Time for a summer vacation in Ohio. Scott came up to Memphis on Friday (which was a long-anticipated visit since we haven't seen each other in a MONTH!). I was definitely excited to see him, but unfortunately had to finish work and then take an exam before I could go out and play. So, being the understanding boyfriend that he is, Scott offered to go to a baseball game so I could stay home and study. Looks like he had a good time...

After I finished my exam, we went out to dinner with the Devines at Fresh Slices. Always a good time with those crazy kids. Scott managed to lose a $5 bet to our waiter about a menu item, but being the nice guy that he is, he paid up and still left a tip. Me, I'd probably have handed the waiter the $5 and some change for a tip. Lesson #1: Don't wager against the waiter.
We headed up to Ohio Saturday morning, and all in all it was an enjoyable drive. I read a chapter of A&P, and Scott managed the "driving" part of things. Brady just held the fort down in the back. Although she did try desperatley to get a bit of Scott's breakfast. I'm getting pretty used to this "Driving Miss Daisy" style ride. I'd have to say Lesson #2 is to always let someone else drive so you can take in the scenery, or read a book.
I learned Lesson #3 Sunday morning. My dad agreed to go for a walk with Scott and me at Virginia Kendall -- a great park with a lake and all kinds of hills. Brady had a fantastic time chasing barn swallows. So here's where the lesson comes into play: there's no way that dog was going to catch a barn swallow. But boy, she sure did try and she had a fantastic time at it. So, Lesson #3: Put your heart into everything you do full throttle, cause it can be a lot of fun.
I learned #4 from Brady. Simple, I know, but sometimes overlooked: A nap in the sun is a great way to pass the time.
More vacation lessons to come... and maybe I'll even go back to Virginia Kendall and get a video of Brady chasing the birds...
Friday, June 18, 2010
I'm naked Mom!

I'll say that I had serious reservations when I dropped Brady off, because #1, the puppy salon was on Lamar (for those of you that know Memphis, that's a little sketchy to start), there was hair everywhere, it was dirty, and it smelled as though something might have died there; and #2, the man working behind the counter bore a strong resemblance to Lil Wayne.
In any case, I was nervous all morning, wondering if I'd get my whole dog back when I picked her up (and wouldn't I feel guilty forever if she sacrificed a tail or toe just so I could save a measly $15). So, at 12:30, I nervously walked into the salon to get my dog. I was pleasantly surprised to find she was in one piece, and her hair doesn't look half bad! Although I think she's stylin' with her new summer 'do, Brady doesn't agree. She tucked her tail on the way into the house as though embarrassed to be caught naked out in the neighborhood.
The real test will come later today when we head to the dog park. We'll see how this shorter style does in the hot weather, and maybe it'll even let us prolong our game of fetch, so I can avoid going home and doing homework.
Our lesson today is that you shouldn't judge someone based on their appearance - whether they're a rapper-turned-dog-groomer or just a little puppy sporting a buzz cut. I suppose this supports my (naive) belief that people are inherently good.
(Scott, please note that Brady is now wearing Bama-colored ribbons in her hair. I hope you're proud.)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Who names a baby "Carlos?"

I know I need to keep packing for the move to Louisiana, but on days like today I get really sad thinking about the people I'll be leaving behind. I am sure I'll be back to visit, but it makes me sad to think that I won't be here for random lunch dates with Ash and Ty, or dinners with the Verks, or having a couple drinks with Katie.
Opening a new chapter in life is exciting, but scary at the same time. It's hard to imagine where I'll be in a year, and how my friends and family will change in that time as well. Enough of my nostalgic ramblings... onward!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Pet-Free Conspiracy
I'm already half-finished with packing for the big move to Baton Rouge, and still I have no place to go. I've been watching Craigslist, checking on different apartment options in Red Stick, and it appears that no one is interested in tenants with pets. Now, don't get me wrong. I know there are some pets that destroy property and are just obnoxious. BUT my doggie is super-sweet, house-broken, and doesn't damage furniture. I almost wish that landlords would conduct doggie interviews, because I just know Brady wouldn't be a problem.
However, given the current options, it looks like Brady and I will have to live in the CR-V. So if you come across this blog, and you haven't fallen asleep by the time that you reach this post, and if you know someone that's renting a place in Baton Rouge, please let me know :-)
In the meantime, I'll continue clicking through Craigslist.
However, given the current options, it looks like Brady and I will have to live in the CR-V. So if you come across this blog, and you haven't fallen asleep by the time that you reach this post, and if you know someone that's renting a place in Baton Rouge, please let me know :-)
In the meantime, I'll continue clicking through Craigslist.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
These are a few of my favorite things
As I start the process of packing my life into cardboard boxes, preparing to move 400 miles away from the place I've called home for 6 years, I'm becoming ridiculously nostalgic. So, since I have nothing more important to impart in this blog, I'd like to take a few minutes to pay respect to my favorite things about Memphis.
1) Midtown. I love the character, the layout, the hustle and bustle, the funky original restaurants, and mostly, the people. I've met great neighbors, and so many people that embrace diversity. It will be hard to pull away from my street for the last time.
2) 5-minute magic. Whether its fresh produce from Easy Way, a glass of wine with a friend, or a random used book, I can find it within 5 minutes of my house. Which is great for me because I am one of the least patient people I know.
3) Overton Park. There's nothing I enjoy more than a trip to Overton Park with my dog on a spring day. She loves to swim in the pond, I love the scenery, and we both enjoy a few hours of fetch with the other dogs in the park. Only one problem -- the crazy ice cream truck that always says "hello!" That's just creepy.
4) My family and friends. I've met some awesome friends, and I've loved spending time with my cousins, aunt and uncle.
5) BBQ-Fest. The world championship barbeque cooking festival. Need I say more?
For anyone that hasn't made it to Memphis yet, it's definitely worth a visit. Or, like me, a 6-year stop on the road of life.
1) Midtown. I love the character, the layout, the hustle and bustle, the funky original restaurants, and mostly, the people. I've met great neighbors, and so many people that embrace diversity. It will be hard to pull away from my street for the last time.
2) 5-minute magic. Whether its fresh produce from Easy Way, a glass of wine with a friend, or a random used book, I can find it within 5 minutes of my house. Which is great for me because I am one of the least patient people I know.
3) Overton Park. There's nothing I enjoy more than a trip to Overton Park with my dog on a spring day. She loves to swim in the pond, I love the scenery, and we both enjoy a few hours of fetch with the other dogs in the park. Only one problem -- the crazy ice cream truck that always says "hello!" That's just creepy.
4) My family and friends. I've met some awesome friends, and I've loved spending time with my cousins, aunt and uncle.
5) BBQ-Fest. The world championship barbeque cooking festival. Need I say more?
For anyone that hasn't made it to Memphis yet, it's definitely worth a visit. Or, like me, a 6-year stop on the road of life.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Don't judge my blog - I'm still learning!
I am not quite sure why I'm creating a blog, or what I could possibly say that people might find interesting enough to read. But since I'm starting a few other adventures at the tender age of 28, I suppose now is a good time to try blogging as well...
A few vital (read: random) facts:
- I love Lake Erie during the summer. There's nothing better than watching the sun set from a boat on the lake, sipping on a nice cold beer.
- I'm a graduate of Ohio University (go BOBCATS!) and I still think Athens, OH is one of the greatest towns on earth.
- I've spent the last six years working in the advertising industry in Memphis, TN. Also a great town, but not quite of Athens caliber.
- I treat my dog like she's a person. Because really, she is. She's just super-hairy. Look how cute!

- I'm taking an uncharacteristically large leap by quitting my job, moving to Baton Rouge, and starting school to become a nurse. I guess this blog can just tell you all the cool things I learn in school. Or maybe I'll eventually come up with something better to talk about.
Until then, have a great day and I hope you enjoyed my first-ever blog post!
A few vital (read: random) facts:
- I love Lake Erie during the summer. There's nothing better than watching the sun set from a boat on the lake, sipping on a nice cold beer.
- I'm a graduate of Ohio University (go BOBCATS!) and I still think Athens, OH is one of the greatest towns on earth.
- I've spent the last six years working in the advertising industry in Memphis, TN. Also a great town, but not quite of Athens caliber.
- I treat my dog like she's a person. Because really, she is. She's just super-hairy. Look how cute!
- I'm taking an uncharacteristically large leap by quitting my job, moving to Baton Rouge, and starting school to become a nurse. I guess this blog can just tell you all the cool things I learn in school. Or maybe I'll eventually come up with something better to talk about.
Until then, have a great day and I hope you enjoyed my first-ever blog post!
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