My Blog List

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Who names a baby "Carlos?"

Today was a light day at the office, so I asked Ashley and Tyler to join me for a Mexican fiesta lunch. Since Ty was just getting up from his nap, Ash agreed. Tyler was in a great mood - all smiles and squirminess wanting to play.

I know I need to keep packing for the move to Louisiana, but on days like today I get really sad thinking about the people I'll be leaving behind. I am sure I'll be back to visit, but it makes me sad to think that I won't be here for random lunch dates with Ash and Ty, or dinners with the Verks, or having a couple drinks with Katie.

Opening a new chapter in life is exciting, but scary at the same time. It's hard to imagine where I'll be in a year, and how my friends and family will change in that time as well. Enough of my nostalgic ramblings... onward!

1 comment:

the harrison family said...

awwwh, we're gonna miss you too! and I can't believe you started a blog a few days ago and didn't tell me until today. stinker!