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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

RIDDLE: What has 8 fingers and can't type?


That's right, folks. I have become a hunt-and-peck typist due to a crockpot injury. Perhaps from this point forward I'll leave all my typos in this post and give a prize to the person that can translate my garbled writing. GO.

Here's thwe astory odf my finger snd the crockpot. I wsd washing diahes, snd the crockpot weas slippwery. I dropped it in the sink aqnd it broke, slcigin up my left ring finger and left pinky in the process. So now, I am relegated to typing with eight fingers and I am not great at it. (Although, interestingly enough, my eight-fingered typing is improving throughout this post. Odd... good food for thought in terms of how the human brain compensates. Maybe I can live as an octoped. Or whatever the word is for something that has only eight fingers.)

So for those of you wondering wht to get me for my next birgthdy, consider a small creockpot.