In my bedroom, that is.
We have a few lights around the house on timers, set to turn off at 10:15pm. (I'd like to say that this is a theft-deterrent measure, but really it's just because I don't like the idea of our poor little puppies being home in a dark house all evening on those nights when we're not home. And who am I kidding? The combined 156 pounds of fur and teeth guarding our house really negates the need for any other theft-deterrent systems. But on with my story.) I was all set to hop under the covers and read 1/2 page of a good book before falling asleep. Sadly, I was planning to go to bed before the light in my room is set to turn off, so I got up to manually change the timer so the light would go off. I'm not going to say what time this was, because I don't want you to make fun of how early I was going to bed.
I got the surprise of my life when a little, teeny-tiny lizard scampered out from behind the light timer and proceeded to skitter across the wall, Spiderman-style, behind the dresser and far out of my reach. Not that I would have touched it if I could reach it or move that fast, but I was completely caught off guard. I'm not prepared to deal with lizards outside the house, let alone living in my bedroom!

1 comment:
hahaha...would have wet my pants!
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