My Blog List
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I'm addicted to [learning about] drugs.
I know what you're thinking -- "How can you possibly have a final when you literally just started school in the middle of September?" I am thinking that as well. However, I can say with confidence that I have spent as much time studying for this 5-week pharmacology class as I ever did for any 16-week semester course. In fact, I may have spent MORE time studying for this course than any other I've taken in my entire life.
I've spent so much time making and reviewing pharmacology flash cards that I now repeat the generic and trade names, clinical indications, actions, adverse effects, and nursing implications of drugs while I am asleep. So if I call you up in the middle of the night and ask you about every prescription medication you're taking and why, please bear with me. It's all for a good cause.
I am considering taking a lesson from my Uncle Rich and putting the book under my pillow to see if that helps as well. I'll let you know how that goes. Cross your fingers for me, because I have to get an 80% in the class to pass. :-)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Don't judge a recliner by its cover.
When Scott brought home this gem, I swore I'd never let it into our house. In fact, it spent a good stint in the garage upon arriving at our place. Teal is not a color that's easily incorporated into the decor of our house, and I've never been a big fan of recliners. But it was free, and Scott really REALLY wanted a recliner. Since he's so nice to me and is letting me live at his house during nursing school, I figured I really should let him keep whatever furniture he wanted in the "Man Cave," even if it is the color of a bad 1980's Naugahyde diner booth.
Here's the part of the post where I eat crow and say I was wrong.
I spent approximately 11 consecutive hours in this chair this weekend, reviewing flashcards and studying notes for school. And I have to admit that it's the perfect chair for long-range sitting, studying, and maybe even a nap or two. Plus, Brady fits on the foot rest when the chair is reclined, so she can continue her supportive role as "study buddy" and foot warmer.
So Scott, I was wrong. Your chair is lovely, Hubbell.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Three days...
I have a strong feeling the next 10 months of my life are going to be run on caffeine and adrenaline (but at least now I'll understand which autonomic nervous system receptors are being stimulated by the adrenaline coursing through my veins).
To sum it up, week 1 was:
- Frightening
- Enlightening
and, finally,
- Encouraging
I'm terrified that I won't be able to absorb all this content to the level that I should, but I'm interested in all the things I'm learning and fascinated by the amazing things that happen within the human body naturally and with the aid of modern medical technology. I'm afraid my personal relationships will suffer due to my lack of time and/or energy to devote to those I love. I'm curious about my next class and my first interactions with patients. And most of all, I'm hoping that I've made the right choice in following this dream.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Super-secret surprise date
By the time we got in the car to head back to Baton Rouge, I felt like I had been on vacation for days, and things didn't seem nearly as overwhelming. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend, and a great reminder of the fact that I'm incredibly lucky to have Scott in my life.
Friday, September 16, 2011
How did Shel Silverstein know what's inside my head?
Over the past few months, this childhood poem has popped into my head many times as I lay in bed at night, unable to sleep because of the things rolling around in my mind. (Last night was a particularly offensive case of the whatifs.) So, in honor of my last free weekend before school begins, I'll share this poem with you.
Whatif by Shel Silverstein
Last night, while I lay thinking here,
some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
and pranced and partied all night long
and sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I'm dumb in school?
Whatif they've closed the swimming pool?
Whatif I get beat up?
Whatif there's poison in my cup?
Whatif I start to cry?
Whatif I get sick and die?
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?
Whatif I don't grow taller?
Whatif my head starts getting smaller?
Whatif the fish won't bite?
Whatif the wind tears up my kite?
Whatif they start a war?
Whatif my parents get divorced?
Whatif the bus is late?
Whatif my teeth don't grow in straight?
Whatif I tear my pants?
Whatif I never learn to dance?
Everything seems well, and then
the nighttime Whatifs strike again!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Operation "Stock the Freezer" is Under Way
Although I'm confident that Scott would gladly take over grocery shopping and cooking, I don't want to make his life harder than it has to be. Although this sounds like it's an unselfish act, it's really just me trying to compensate for the fact that he's going to have to listen to me whine about my intense school workload for ten months.
To that end, I've made a few dishes to pile away in the freezer. Today's cooking included:
2 lasagnas
Pot of chili
Pot of Grandma Marshall's spaghetti sauce
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
RIDDLE: What has 8 fingers and can't type?
That's right, folks. I have become a hunt-and-peck typist due to a crockpot injury. Perhaps from this point forward I'll leave all my typos in this post and give a prize to the person that can translate my garbled writing. GO.
Here's thwe astory odf my finger snd the crockpot. I wsd washing diahes, snd the crockpot weas slippwery. I dropped it in the sink aqnd it broke, slcigin up my left ring finger and left pinky in the process. So now, I am relegated to typing with eight fingers and I am not great at it. (Although, interestingly enough, my eight-fingered typing is improving throughout this post. Odd... good food for thought in terms of how the human brain compensates. Maybe I can live as an octoped. Or whatever the word is for something that has only eight fingers.)
So for those of you wondering wht to get me for my next birgthdy, consider a small creockpot.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Lukie Pookie and Mrs. McTwitter
A little light reading |
Checking out some TV (The Proposal) |
Hittin' the sauce (Applejuice, folks. I'm not that kind of babysitter...) |
Learning to hunt gators (Practicing for an audition on Swamp People) |
Friday, September 9, 2011
C25K Week 1
Along with the wonderful ability to access my books on the iPod, I can now download all the fun apps that all those snooty iPhone users have had for years. I haven't yet found an app that will train my dog not to bark or that will make my bed, but I am sure those are coming. In the meantime, I'm enjoying a few of the simpler apps available. One of those is C25K, an app to help couch potatoes train to run a 5K. For those that know me well, you know I'm infamous for my "plan of the week" and that my adult ADD prevents me from really sticking to things for more than 1 or 2 days (who am I kidding - 1 to 2 hours is a solid stretch for me). Well, I've used the C25K app for 3 days now, so this must be some kind of a record. Let's see if I can keep it up through next week. At this point, I'm running 60-second intervals, with 90-second breaks to walk in between. I know that sounds pretty wimpy, but given the fact that working out hasn't been on my list of favorite things to do for a few years, I'll take what I can get. As Dr. Leo Marvin said, "Baby steps..."
I love Scott W____
Thursday, September 1, 2011
No lizards allowed!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
If I wanted frozen yogurt,
When Steven moved out in June, I spent some time cleaning out the cabinets at the house. I needed space to put all of my kitchen supplies, which had spent the last year cluttering up the garage in five large cardboard boxes. (Had to make room for Scott's kayak, riding mower, and bicycle -- the garage is "man space" and since I've taken over every closet in the house, it's only fair that I take my junk out of the garage.)
I digress. The point of my rambling is this: while cleaning out a cabinet in the kitchen, I found an ice cream maker. I was fascinated - remembering the times as a kid when we made ice cream using rock salt and coffee cans. I decided that August is a great time to make some homemade ice cream, since it's about 100 degrees every day. Plus, I get bored at the house sometimes.
The adventure started with a frozen yogurt recipe that included yogurt (big surprise), frozen mixed berries, sugar, corn syrup and vanilla extract. I mixed it all together, and came out with a concoction that looked (and tasted) surprisingly like a container of Dannon mixed berry yogurt. That should have been my first clue.
I poured it into the magical ice cream machine, thinking of what a wonderfully delicious and rich treat this would be - creamy and tasty and reminiscent of the gelato I had in Italy a few years ago. I turned on the switch and watched with what can only be described as child-like delight as the concoction mixed and began to freeze.
After the allotted 20 minutes, I scraped the "frozen yogurt" out of the ice cream maker and placed it in a container to head into the freezer so it could "firm up" a bit. But let's not kid ourselves - I took a taste before putting it in the freezer. That's when I realized that I had spent an afternoon making homemade frozen yogurt, when really I should have frozen a container of Dannon and spent my time doing something productive, like watching Keeping up with the Kardashians (I know, shocking that I'd watch such trash) or painting my toenails. **Sigh**
But at least it looks yummy. So if you're in the neighborhood and you have a taste for some low-fat homemade frozen yogurt, stop by. I'm sure this will still be in the freezer for you to enjoy.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Now it's your turn.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
If I could do it all again...

If I could do it all again:
I would ask you to tell me the story of how you met Grandpa Fuchs, in your own words.
I would stop by and visit you more often.
I would ask you to tell me about your childhood, and how you spent your summers.
I would remember to send you birthday, Halloween, Valentine's and all other cards on time.
I would learn your favorite song.
I would send you notes occasionally for no reason at all.
I would go on hikes with you, and watch the Browns with you.
I would NOT cross my eyes in your special photos of the entire family.
I hope one day I'll get the chance to do these things when we meet up again. Until then, I love you. You'll be missed.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Birthday Bonanza
I realize that I can't really call myself a "blogger" if I only write a blog once every six months. I am not going to pretend that I'm going to start writing blogs all the time, or even every few weeks. I am, however, going to write a blog about the amazing birthday weekend that just took place. I knew Scott could be charming, but he definitely outdid himself this weekend.
I was planning on spending my 29th birthday in Baton Rouge with a low-key weekend, having movie night with Scott, Bethany and Dave on Friday night, and dinner with the Empsons on Saturday night. When Tam called to reschedule dinner on Friday night, I thought Scott and I would just go out to dinner and a movie and call it a night. Boy, was I wrong.
When I woke up Saturday morning, Scott had put out a card for me that said Happy Birthday (in Spanish, so I still don't know what the printed card says) with a note that told me to pack a bag and be ready to leave the house by 11am. No word on where we were heading...
I packed my bag, as well as about 14 pairs of shoes since I didn't know where we were going, and we got on the road (15 minutes early, I might add). The weather was amazing -- sunny and 65 degrees, which makes it the best birthday weather I've ever had!
We arrived at our first destination -- Liuzza's, a neighborhood joint in NOLA. And when we walked in, I was surprised to see Scott's mom and step-dad already there with a cake, balloons and presents! We had a great time, and great food, and great conversation. And a cute little cake :-) YUM!
After lunch we headed to the WWII museum, and spent 3 hours there with Scott's parents. It was a great learning experience for me (since I forgot everything I learned in high school), and it made me really appreciate what our veterans did for the nation and the world.
After that, Scott and I got into the car, and drove around NOLA for a few minutes taking in the sights. We found a place to park at the Holiday Inn (which is where we ended up staying Saturday night) and got back out on foot. The weather was perfect, people were everywhere, and it was a great night to see NOLA. We stopped and window shopped the art galleries, and then headed toward the Mighty Muddy Mississippi River. When we got there, I was cofused and surprised to see Tamara and Ryan just "hanging out" by Jackson Square. Surprise # (Ok, I've lost count) -- Bethany and Dave agreed to babysit Luke so Tam and Ryan could come for a night out on Bourbon with us!
We had a great dinner, and then headed to Tropical Isle. Why Tropical Isle, you ask? The Hand Grenades, of course! Instead of trying to detail the shenanigans in writing, here's a little montage that'll give you the general idea....
On Sunday morning, Scott took me to a brunch buffet. It was just like the dining hall in college -- Sunday mornings were the BEST days at the dining hall. Sunday brunch buffets may be one of the best ideas ever!
After breakfast, we wandered around NOLA with Mr. Tom and Ms. Jeri, doing a little shopping and experiencing the French Market. I think my favorite stall at the market was for Bedford Falls Headware (you can see their headbands here Totally impractical and something I could never pull off, but fun nonetheless.
For the big finale, it was off to play the ponies! Scott's final surprise was an afternoon with more friends and family. Although it was lots of fun, I can't say I won enough to retire from my day job. Here are a couple snaps of the fun:
On the phone with my bookie...