I am not sure if it's because I had a severe bout of insomnia last night, or if I am losing touch with reality, but I actually enjoyed my chemistry "experiment" today. Now, you might be thinking "that's great that Kelley likes chemistry since she wants to be a nurse." But the fact is, no one likes chemistry. Except for my friend Joe that has a PhD in chemistry and Mandarin Chinese (but I think we can all agree he's a statistical anomaly).
Here's why I am surprised that I like my experiment. It consisted of watching ice melt in a glass of water for 1 hour.
So do you think I'm delusional now?
I do.
My Blog List
Friday, September 10, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Storytime in the tub (as seen by Luke Empson)
Once upon a time, there was a little prince.
He loved to spend time in the tub. One day, Luke's mother had his aunties over for a dinner date. Luke was concerned that he wouldn't get to play in the tub since company came over.
But when dinner was over, Luke's aunties helped feed him cereal (or some watery substance that Luke's mother claims is "rice cereal"). It got allll over his face and into his little neck roles!
Then, Luke's mama declared that it was time to get in the tub. Luke splished and splashed until his little toes wrinkled!
Once the bath was done, Luke's mama wrapped him in a nice warm towel, and his aunties dried his little piggies, even between his toes! "That tickles Aunties!" he squealed.
And once that was done, it was time for bed. Luke kissed his aunties goodnight, and drifted off to sleep.
The End!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Project Pesto (aka: Project Procrastination)
For the past few weeks, I have been saying I was going to go out and chop out some of the basil I'd so carefully reared from seeds and make some basil pesto. Today is the day for several reasons.
1) My basil plants look like they're about to topple over because they're so full of leaves.
2) I have a ton of homework to do and I'm just not feeling the "sit-down-and-read" vibe after yesterday's 7-hour battle with Chemistry.
So, I wandered out to the backyard after walking Brady and started the pest0-process.
Since Scott and Steven already have most of the necessary kitchen equipment, I never unpacked my six large "kitchen" boxes, and I've been squeaking by using the items in the house for cooking. Today, I regretted that my cute little food processor was lost somewhere in the sea of boxes, because chopping basil with a blender is NOT an easy task.
But eventually, after scraping and chopping and scraping some more, I was able to get the ingredients mixed together into what I feel is a pretty great first pass at homemade pesto. Check it out!
1) My basil plants look like they're about to topple over because they're so full of leaves.
2) I have a ton of homework to do and I'm just not feeling the "sit-down-and-read" vibe after yesterday's 7-hour battle with Chemistry.
So, I wandered out to the backyard after walking Brady and started the pest0-process.
Since Scott and Steven already have most of the necessary kitchen equipment, I never unpacked my six large "kitchen" boxes, and I've been squeaking by using the items in the house for cooking. Today, I regretted that my cute little food processor was lost somewhere in the sea of boxes, because chopping basil with a blender is NOT an easy task.
But eventually, after scraping and chopping and scraping some more, I was able to get the ingredients mixed together into what I feel is a pretty great first pass at homemade pesto. Check it out!
Now the real trick will be cooking with it. I think we'll have pasta with chicken and pesto for dinner tomorrow night. Cross your fingers that I don't poison the household!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
It must be 78 degrees in Heaven. I wonder what that converts to in Kelvins?
Today started out as a little slice of Heaven. I went to the Baton Rouge Farmers' Market with my sisters, and it was a whopping 78 degrees when we started out. Until this morning, I had compeltely forgotten what it felt like to step outside and NOT feel like you needed to shower immediately from the sticky, humid, heavy air. We had a great time checking out the wares at the farmers' market, and then capped off our adventure with some iced coffees.
When I got home, it had reached 85 degrees, but after the latest summer temps, I'm going to say that 85 still feels pretty balmy. Scott went outside to tackle the backyard mowing, and I sat down to read my first chapter of the new semester. I picked Chemistry to start. Why not jump right on the one you dread the most, right?
Well, after two hours of reading (and 2 small, teeny, insignificant cat naps), I remember why I hated chemistry in high school..... but at least I got to check a few things off my to-do list. Check out the progress!
When I got home, it had reached 85 degrees, but after the latest summer temps, I'm going to say that 85 still feels pretty balmy. Scott went outside to tackle the backyard mowing, and I sat down to read my first chapter of the new semester. I picked Chemistry to start. Why not jump right on the one you dread the most, right?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Holy Cow!
I've started my fall classes, and at this point my only thoughts are "What the heck was I thinking taking 4 classes this semester?" I've listed out all the things I have to do for the classes, and each prof thinks students should spend between 10-15 hours per week on their class. All I can say is EEK! This will be the last blog post until December 15, which is one day after finals. :-(
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