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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

If I could do it all again...

I know it's been forever and a day since I wrote a blog post. If I'm being honest, this will probably be the beginning of another long period of blogger silence. But this one is for Grandma Fuchs.

If I could do it all again:

I would ask you to tell me the story of how you met Grandpa Fuchs, in your own words.

I would stop by and visit you more often.

I would ask you to tell me about your childhood, and how you spent your summers.

I would remember to send you birthday, Halloween, Valentine's and all other cards on time.

I would learn your favorite song.

I would send you notes occasionally for no reason at all.

I would go on hikes with you, and watch the Browns with you.

I would NOT cross my eyes in your special photos of the entire family.

I hope one day I'll get the chance to do these things when we meet up again. Until then, I love you. You'll be missed.